Turning pain into Magic
Welcome to Return to Source Healing
If you are being called to take charge of your personal evolution and empowerment, to overcome self sabotage and repeat patterns that are tearing you down, and to live a more meaningful, purpose-led life you have found the right place, and the exact person to help you on your journey.
I am here to help you release what no longer serves you, heal, and transform your life.
Re-connect you with your Spirit, develop and think in new ways, and to connect to your Higher Self.
To become a Master of your own Destiny, with a clear future view of meaning and purpose, where you can be, do and have whatever you want, and turn all your dreams into reality.
Awareness is the first step to healing.
Healing and change require radical honesty and action.
The honesty to own what we want, to see what changes we want to make, and then the action to take them.
And it all starts from Within.
Have you ever found yourself wondering:
“There must be more to life than this.”
Combining Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, Mental Health First Aid, Reiki, and my spiritual toolbox from the last 20 years of deep personal healing, together, we can work to change the energy of unhelpful thoughts, connecting you to a higher state of consciousness, creating a softer, kinder mind. Gaining greater clarity, finding answers; and always moving forwards positively, and purposefully.
Throughout our lives we all carry a set of wounds, triggers, pain, and trauma that are inherited from our childhood and ancestors. These cause us anguish and turmoil, creating blocks in our personal and professional lives. Typically, we don’t question our core beliefs and values, because they are so ingrained in who we are. But when they cause disruption, it can be useful to challenge them and understand where they came from.

Neuro Linguistic Programming
NLP tools and techniques work quickly, lending themselves well to spirituality, and complement the mental health landscape. Everything is outcome based, moving forwards positively, and crucially in a way that means not re-living any trauma.
NLP empowers us with the knowledge and tools to truly step into the best version of ourselves, and achieve the happiness that we all deserve; it has the power to literally transform your life.
Challenging experiences deepen our wisdom.
Every exceptional person began their journey with every odd against them.
Healing is integral to how we show up in the world, and how we are enabled to be authentic, visible, transparent and conscious.
We can then hold More Joy. More Presence. More Gratitude. More Power.
How good would it feel to get out of your own way?
To release any emotional fear of others taking power over you, and causing pain.
Think what you could achieve if you could show up, put yourself out there and take consistent action.
Imagine believing in yourself and having the courage to achieve it all, without that fear of judgement holding you back.

Hi, I’m Ghislaine.
For me this journey of transformation and evolution is very personal: I know all too well what it feels like to be crippled by self doubt, low self esteem, repeated self-sabotage, feeling stuck and overwhelmed, struggling with money, difficult relationships, anxiety, and simply not knowing how to break free from the cycle. Grief, trauma, depression, heartache, loss and rejection. I’ve been there. I feel you. I’m with you.
I have taken control of my own destiny.
And this is what makes me so passionate and dedicated about helping and empowering you.
I am a qualified Neuro Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner (INLPTA & ABNLP), Practitioner of Hypnotherapy (ABH) , Reiki Practitioner (Reiki Usui System of Natural Healing 1st and 2nd degree, and, Reiki Seichem levels 1 and 2), and a Mental Health First Aider (MHFA England).
Community, connection, and personal freedom are my core values, and fundamental to my being. I am passionate about helping others, well-being, positive mental health, music, personal development, plant medicine, astrology, travel and adventure; and getting out in Mother Nature as much as possible.
I am inspired by people who encourage each other, lift and raise each other up, and want to make the world a better place. I believe in the power of Oneness, and being part of something larger than just ourselves.